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March 20, 2014 the first patient with ischemic stroke was successfully treated with systemic rTPA in the Kutaisi Clinical Hospital

March 20, 2014 the first patient with ischemic stroke was successfully treated with systemic rTPA in the Kutaisi Clinical Hospital.

Here the patient's history.

59 years old male developed about 13.00 left sided hemiparesis. He was transported to the Hospital in Zkhaltubo and then rapidly transferred to the Stroke Unit in Kutaisi, where he arrived at 15.15. Neurological examination revealed dysarthria, facial asymmetry and severe left sided hemiparesis 2/5, NIHSS = 17. CT (without CT angiography, which is not available) did not show marked ischemic lesion. 16.00 rTPA was started according to the international protocol. Patient improved. CT control next day displayed a right-sided ischemic lesion in the basal ganglia. Clinically patients is doing well, he suffers a slight left sided hemiparesis 4/5.

Prof. Dr. med. Zaza Katsarava
Chefarzt, Klinik für Neurologie
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Unna

Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Essen